
Unveiling ionizing photon escape with high-redshift lensed galaxies

My primary research interest is how individual star-forming regions regulate the production and escape of hydrogen-ionizing photons (commonly just ionizing photons or the Lyman continuum (LyC)). This is important to understand because it has significant implications for cosmic reionization (z ~ 6–10), wherein the first generations of stars and active galactic nuclei (AGN) ionized the intergalactic medium (IGM). The relative contribution of stars versus AGN, the role of massive, luminous galaxies versus light, faint ones, and the time evolution of both dichotomies remain unclear.

Directly studying galaxies during reionization is difficult. The galaxies are extremely distant and generally faint, and the increasingly opaque IGM as near as z > 2 typically makes it impossible to directly observe their LyC photons. This means estimates of LyC escape for reionization galaxies must generally rely on proxies for LyC escape like rest-ultraviolet (UV) colors, dust content, ionization state, etc., which do not always have a clear relation to LyC escape. And although the angular diameter evolution is favorable to reionization galaxies, they are typically unresolved, preventing spatially resolved analyses of their interiors, which is critical to understand LyC production and escape methods.

Studying nearby galaxies instead is promising because many are spatially resolved, but they become unresolved by z=0.1, and they are not necessarily fair comparisons to reionization galaxies, typically requiring criteria to select for galaxies analogous to reionization galaxies. These criteria can suffer from biases. Their LyC is also totally inaccessible to ground-based instruments, and the only state-of-the-art instrument that can access their LyC is the Hubble Space Telescope's (HST) Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, which has an on-sky aperture far too large to constrain LyC escape to individual regions of a galaxy, and often a limited wavelength coverage below the Lyman limit.

My work uses high-redshift, gravitationally lensed galaxies at cosmic noon (z ~ 1–3) to offer an optimal middle ground between directly studying reionization and studying local galaxies. These galaxies offer many advantages. They are much closer in time to reionization, so we expect them to generally be more comparable to reionization galaxies. Their foreground lenses magnify their light by as much as tens or hundreds of times, and increase the angular size of the galaxy, routinely permitting the resolution of individual star-forming regions, and in extreme cases, individual stars. At these redshifts, the LyC from these galaxies is directly accessible with the sharp imaging of optical instruments on HST, and the rest-UV through rest-optical is well-captured by optical and near-infrared instruments on ground-based telescopes, offering a complementary wealth of spectral diagnostics constraining outflows, gas conditions, stellar populations, and much more. This combination is a powerful tool to characterize the environments that leak LyC photons. I combine sharp space-based lens modeling from my collaborators with the rest-UV signatures of outflows, nebular emission, and neutral gas morphology to characterize the ISM as it relates to the escape of LyC photons.

Relevant papers: Mainali et al. (2022), Kim et al. (2023), Rivera-Thorsen et al. (2024)


Unveiling ionizing photon escape with high-redshift lensed galaxies

My work uses high-redshift, gravitationally lensed galaxies at cosmic noon (z ~ 1–3) to offer an optimal middle ground between directly studing reionization and studying local galaxies. These galaxies offer many advantages. They are much closer in time to reionization, so we expect them to generally be more comparable to reionization galaxies. Their foreground lenses magnify their light by as much as tens or hundreds of times, and increase the angular size of the galaxy, routinely permitting the resolution of individual star-forming regions, and in extreme cases, individual stars. At these redshifts, the LyC from these galaxies is directly accessible with the sharp imaging of optical instruments on HST, and the rest-UV through rest-optical is well-captured by optical and near-infrared instruments on ground-based telescopes, offering a complementary wealth of spectral diagnostics constraining outflows, gas conditions, stellar populations, and much more. This combination is a powerful tool to characterize the environments that leak LyC photons. I combine sharp space-based lens modeling from my collaborators with the rest-UV signatures of outflows, nebular emission, and neutral gas morphology to characterize the ISM as it relates to the escape of LyC photons.